Southern Inferno Kennels
Welcome to Southern Inferno Kennels
At Southern Inferno Kennels our goal is to maintain true to form working Old Family Rednose and OFRN/Chavis American Pitbull Terriers for the purpose of hog hunting. The trend of most "pitbulls" being bred solely for looks or pretty pedigrees with nothing being done to test working ability has led to an overabundance of dogs which are nothing more than a "shell" of what this breed is meant to be. Our focus is on Old Family Rednose and OFRN/Chavis American Pitbull Terriers with an emphasis on great temperament, correct structure, working ability, intelligence and true APBT heart.
Our kennel exists first and foremost to provide us personally with working catch dogs for hunting wild boar. To keep our dogs true to the working heritage of this breed and line; all breeding stock is tested and evaluated as catch dogs for wild boar before being bred. We do not breed often and when we do it is because we are personally keeping pups. On occasion if we have a large enough litter we will place out pups, however the intent of every breeding is first and foremost to provide us personally with exceptional catch dogs. As the owners of Southern Cross Cut Gear which offers protective hog dog vests and collars we hunt every week, often multiple times a week, testing and promoting our products. Hunting this much we require the absolute best catch dogs possible to get the job done.
If you are interested in being considered for a pup please review all of our policies first and then submit a puppy application linked below. Please be aware that we do not breed often and do so first for ourselves. We have put years of blood, sweat and tears into these dogs and will not place them out with just anyone.
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